Lit by Maggie 25th November 2019
Hi Gerry, I love and miss you and wish with all my heart, body and soul and wish that you were still here with us. I thought would update you on the latest. On Saturday Jamie and I went to Longleat for the Festival of Lights. It was not a nice day as the weather was cold and rainy. I was singing with the Rock choir. It was good fun but I got a bit wet. We sang three short performances. I hope you were there to watch. The lights were very good , blow up large colourful figures all around the park. We went inside the house and saw the 20st style Christmas . The house was magnificent ,and I have never seen so many huge Christmas trees. There was one in every room. We had a coffee to warm ourselves up in the house café. We also went on the safari river cruise. It was very cold but we did see lots of see lions. It was very muddy with lots of puddles and we were glad to get back in the warm car. Feet aching and very hungry, wet and cold. But we had a nice day out together. I have nearly finished my Christmas shopping now. II have spent far to much , but if it makes people happy that fine with me. Di is doing fine. She has slimmed down a lot on her new tailor made food. She did not want to go out today for her walk, I don't blame her as it is not cold but damp and dull. I hope all is well with you and that you are happy, well and having the most wonderful time. I see you signs everywhere. Feathers keep appearing, and I know when you put ideas into my head. You have surprised me with lots of ideas for Christmas present. They just seem to keep appearing before me when least expected. But then you were always full of surprises. You are also helping me find things, and solve problems when I am stuck or in despair. Thank you so much for staying by me. I just wish I could see you, talk and hold you close in my arms and kiss you, then make love. I will update you again soon, as I going to perform again on the 7th December at the new Deanery in Wichelstow ,with the choir, and Jamie is playing guitar for us. I am also hoping to perform at the Marlborough College on December the 14th. We will all be attending the Light up a Life Service at the Prospect next Sunday in honour and memory of you. The winter is here now and it is a long lonely life without you. I miss your love and smiling face so very much. Sitting by the fire in the evening and cuddling up before making love on the rug in front of the fire. I miss the band and your famous legendry drum solos. I miss every thing about you. Until we meet again. please always remember that I always have and always will love you with all my heart. All my love forever and always. Maggie XxX
This candle went out on 25th December 2019.