Lit by Maggie 29th June 2022
Hi Gerry, i love and miss you so very much. Just thought I would drop you a line and let you know what is going on. Darren came last Tuesday for a coffee and brought you a fathers day card. It a lovely one it tell you about all the 10 best things he learn from you. The best one being that you are and always will be, THE BEST DAD IN THE WORLD!. It was Genevieve's 6th birthday on Monday. I went to see her after school and gave her our presents . Two dresses. a pair of sparkly legging and a frozen tee-shirt. A jigsaw puzzle and a Barbie doll. It sounds a lot but it was all very cheap. I will also put some money in her bank account. We are all going out on Sunday for a meal probably at the Windmill to celebrate Daren's, Violets and Genevieve's birthday. I hope you can join us. Thank you so very much for getting me off the Heathrow drop of charge. It is a huge relief to me. Also for sorting me out with a as close a match as possible microwave. Ours caught fire whilst I was melting cheese on toast. I could not find the exact match as it is not made anymore. Unfortunately, I had to get a 700watt instead of our usual 800watt to get a close match. I also bought an air fryer. This is to reduce our electric bills, as the cost has sky rocketed. Average household bill to rise to over £3,000 this winter. Also petrol is not £2 a litre, and rising fast Food has also soared in price as much as nearly 50% with most essential items. Life is looking bleak and miserable for the foreseeable future. I was so very pleased to see your butterfly return this week. It only stayed for a short while but it was wonderful to be together again. Please keep coming to see me, so that we can sit close to each other and radiate and transmit love , messages, ideas, memories and healing to each other. We cannot be separated as we are husband and wife, best friends soul-mates and lovers. We just want to be together in the garden. Thank you also for coming to see me in my dreams. It is always wonderful to be together again. Please can we make mad passionate love again soon. Di is doing ok, she will be going to stay with Carol and Rick for the first 4 days of August as I am going to Bournemouth with Darren and Jamie and all their families. I hope she will be ok. Carol is very nervous about having her as last time she stayed she collapsed and could not walk. She is eating better and still going for he short walk most days. She seems happy but is still loosing weight despite me giving her lots of treats. Thank you for bringing Jamie safely back from America and Germany. Also for keeping Darren and Jamie safe in their driving. And for making sure they both get enough work to pay the ever increasing bills. Apparently it is the worst financial crisis in over 50 years, and getting worse by the day. I hope all is well with you and that you are having a wonder life. Fit, healthy, free from any restrictions and doing everything you love with everyone you wish to be with. It will be our wedding anniversary soon 49 years. Also a week later it will be the 8th universality of you passing. It is hard to believe that you have been gone so very long. I wish with all my heart, body and soul that you were still here with me. We would behaving such a wonderful life together now that we would be both retired. It is such a painful memory and the pain and grieving for you is ongoing and incredibly painful and difficult to bare. I feel so bad for you that you have missed so much life specially missing your grandchildren whom you adored and wanted so desperately. They talk about you often and wish you were here to get to know and have fun with. They love you and always talk about you and wish you were here. They admire your murals and everything they know about you. I will sign off for now and write again soon. In the meantime please always remember that I always have, and always will love you forever and always. Until we meet again, All my love forefever and always. Maggie XxX
This candle went out on 29th July 2022.