Lit by Maggie 29th August 2020
Hi Gerry, I love and miss you so very much. I really don't know what to do with myself anymore without you. We are still in a kind of lock-down. the corona virus is still rife and on the increase. I can see Darren and his family, but still can’t see Jamie’s family only him. Although he did surprise me the other evening with Sienna for a doorstep chat. I had given them some apples that Carol Bellingham had given me. They had gone for a walk and picked blackberries and made them into a crumble. Sienna proudly presented me with an individual crumble that she had made for my tea. I was delighted and it was delicious. Last weekend Darren, Kelly, Austyn and Violet stayed overnight on Saturday. We got out your projector and had a cine film evening. It was wonderful to see the old films again. We both looked so young and happy. We watched our wedding video which was very emotional, and we saw Ermin Street again. It was wonderful to see our lives and our Christmases, holidays and birthdays again. Austyn and Violet were amazed at how young and beautiful we both were. We even saw Patch again, our old house and garden, then some Disney films. Then, we had a Chinese takeaway. It was a lovely weekend and I wish with all my heart that you were with us. Darren and I also did some more gardening. He chopped the wisteria, tidied up the arch and then we started to clear out the large pond. We were quite exhausted. I don’t know how you managed to keep everything so immaculate along with everything else you did. Its Jamie and Lindsay’s 12 wedding anniversary coming up soon. I did not know what to get them. Jamie informed me that the Gerry Hunt rose that I bought him was not looking to healthy, so I have bought another one to replace it. I have also got them a little bonsai tree. The nights are drawing in now as it is August bank holiday weekend. It has been raining a lot and been very windy and thundery for the last couple of weeks, so I have not been able to se your butterfly very much. This makes me very sad as I do love to sit and talk to you. The attic is now cleared and hovered, dusted, polished and is looking beautiful. Unfortunately, I cannot take anything to the charity shop yet and it is filling up the office. Di is showing signs of getting old now. I made an appointment to take her to the vet last week. Her eyes are full of muck all the time, and she does not seem herself. I cancelled the appointment after bathing her eyes twice a day with salt water and putting in my eyedrops. I also bought some nose butter for her dry cracked nose. She was very quiet and sleepy, did not want to play and went off her food. She seems much happier now. I will keep and eye on her and if necessary take her to the vets. I think it is her arthritis playing her up as it has been so wet lately, and she is also suffering from hay fever. I don’t have much news now. Darren is playing a gig weather permitting tonight, at the Pats in Chiseldon. Hopefully you will be able to watch. Until we meet again. Please always remember that I always have and always will ,love you forever and always. I wish with all my heart, body and soul that you were here with me still. I hope all is okay in your world and new life. I hope you are restored to full health and vitality. I hope you are loved, free and able to do anything your heart desired. I hope you have lots of friends, family and pets, and musicians to enjoy yourself with. I forgot to mention that poor Satch had to be put down a couple of weeks ago. I do hope he is reunited with you and that you can enjoy each other’s company. All my love forever and always Maggie XxX
This candle went out on 29th September 2020.