Lit by Maggie 13th September 2020
Hi Gerry, God how I love and miss you. I think I will go mad soon as I cannot stand this life without you. Life is pretty shitty at the moment. Covid 19 is still raging on. We are likely to be in lockdown for the rest of this year. Its so miserable. I cannot go and see Jamie's family and we cannot all get together. We have all missed our family summer holiday and days out this year. We have to wear face masks when we go out and still keep 2 metres distance form everyone. All activities have been cancelled for the rest of the year. All the grandchildren are back to school. That is very scary as most adults are not back to work yet. As many people as possible still have to work from home. Hundreds of businesses have gone bust. Shops are rapidly disappearing. Jamie is back to work this week, which is scary because its the young adults that are spreading the virus the most and that is who he is teaching. Darren is struggling to find gigs. He did one this afternoon in a beer garden but he had to greatly reduce his income to get even that. Di has been unwell recently. First she had an eye infection which I tried to treat but eventually went to the vet. That cost £82.50 for a small tube of eye cream and some pain killers for her arthritis to trial. I wont be continuing with them as they cost £78 per months and then a vets visit every 3 months which is another £42. She had been very tired, listless and unhappy of late. I discovered a problem with her tail. I was going bald and looked very swollen, red and nasty. I had to take her back to the vet again. This time is cost £130. I was very angry with the vet, and said they should have picked this up when they saw her last week, now I had to pay another £42 to be seen again. It's so frustrating as I am not allowed to go with her and be in the consultant room, so I cannot discuss her situation properly. Apparently its what's know as a hot spot caused by possible a bite or injury. I even got her some worm tablets just in case another £9. She is much better today. Annoyingly she will not let me put the cream on her tail and know she wont take her antibiotics either. I am fuming but will have to persist. I know you would want me to take good care of her and forget the cost. She has very bad arthritis at the moment. Her eye problem was due to the muscle's above her eyes are weakening and it causedt he third under eyelid to appear. This causes irritation due to the eye lashes rubbing and irritation the eye. She actually wanted to go for her walk today and ran in front of me all the time. She has not done that for weeks. It was Jamie and Lindsay's 12 wedding anniversary yesterday. I have not seen them yet to give them our present. We got them a replacement Gerry Hunt rose as theirs was looking lifeless. We also got them a small bonsai tree and a bottle of Havana rum. Darren came on Friday and did 9 more cine films. He is filming them on his cine camera and then going to put them on a DVD. He also cut the trees in the front garden. I am determined to keep the house and garden up to your standard if I possible can. It will never be as good as when you did it but we all try our best. I am so lonely I am going off my head. You would have a fit if you could see the state of my old wrinkled face now. I am distraught because I have not seen your butterfly now for weeks. I only caught it briefly one day last week for a few seconds. It seemed to disappear after the last time I saw it properly, it was when we had a thunder storm. It was extremely agitated and kept flying around me. It scooped over my head and sat on the arm of my chair. It was if it was trying to tell me something. Maybe it was saying that he would not be coming to see me anymore. What do you think? I love to sit and talk to it for hours. I gives me confirmation that there is another life and that you are always near me. I hope you are having a wonderful new life and that you can do anything your heart desires. I cannot wait to be reunited with you, and be in your loving arms again. Until we met again please always remember that I always have and always will love you forever and always. All my love forever and always, Maggie XxX
This candle went out on 13th October 2020.